Sunday, October 16, 2011

Launch Day!

Saturday morning at 4am, we woke up and left the hotel by 5:30am to meet up with the bus for launch attempt number two. Our group size was half of what it was Thursday since many could not stay. (Sadly, guys. Hope I get to see a lot of you at MSL time!)

We did not go to the causeway again, from what I heard because of the wind direction, they were worried about hazardous stuff in the air coming that way, so they took us over to KARS park. In my opinion, it was a way better view anyway- head on and the surrounding scenery was photogenic to the max.

They scrubbed launch attempt number one, again. Everyone was on pins and needles because this was the last launch attempt NASA could accommodate us for. For me, it is not a big deal, I decided that I was done chasing this rocket if it didn't go off that morning, I was spending way too much in gas to go back and forth. But I felt really bad for people who were sitting there waiting to see their first launch ever, who spent tons of money and came halfway around the world to see it.

Before the second launch attempt, we all sat around talking and laughing. I have never felt so close to such a large amount of people in such a short period of time. It was intense, like you suddenly have this new family you are sharing this amazing experience with. I feel like I have known some of these people my entire life. It is like you all have this really special secret that you can try to explain all you want, but people won't quite 'get it' until they have been a part of it. It bonds you all together.

Anyway, while we were waiting, I ate peanut butter out of a jar and tried to tell @fidget02 that the fire ant bites she got when she stepped in a pile of the beasts, would calm down in ten minutes. We actually have this on video and I still have to upload it to youtube. I have this thing for foreign accents and unfamiliar words, so I was torturing her, making her tell me funny British words. When I wasn't harassing her, I was petting manatees.

There were these two manatees (sea cows) hanging out by the dock because someone turned on the fresh water and they LOVE to drink the fresh water. I went over and was just a few feet from them, and I decided that how often does this happen and figured I would try to pet their little cute noses. So I laid down on the dock and reached down- Manatee #1 wasn't having any of it, he kept ducking under, but Manatee #2 actually LOVED getting its nose scratched and I think it was actually having a hard time decided between drinking the fresh water and getting its nose scratched. Little CUTIES!!!!! That has always been on my bucket list, and I am really excited that I got to do that. They are gentle, amazing creatures, and it was an honor and a privilege that it trusted me to let me do that. 

This killed all the time up until the second launch attempt number two. We all waited in suspense and yes, it was GO!!!! :)

As always, my hands were shaking and I decided since I had to lean over the water, it was not a good idea to hold my phone out to video (trust me, I would have dropped it!). So I only took photos, but they were FABULOUS!! My photos came out so neat, I still have to edit them and get them on a public album, but if you are on Facebook, you can find the originals on there.

So 3-2-1...and the Delta II launched GRAIL off on their journey to the moon!

The crowd energy...indescribable!

After the launch, we all took pics with each other, through this whole thing, I did not take many people pictures, and I realized it and tried to get as many as I could before we got back on the bus.

We got back to the parking lot, said our goodbyes. Then @Iamtay and I got back to her hotel and we said our goodbyes. I actually got really teary eyed on the way home. I am such a nerd, but I really had the most amazing week.

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